December 26, 2024

Biden Informant Probe Leaves Republicans Questioning FBI

1 min read

Republicans Probe FBI About Biden Informant

Republicans have launched an investigation into the FBI's handling of a confidential informant who provided information about President...

Republicans Probe FBI About Biden Informant

Republicans have launched an investigation into the FBI’s handling of a confidential informant who provided information about President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

The informant reportedly approached the FBI in 2019 with allegations of corruption involving the Bidens, but the agency did not pursue the matter further. Republicans are now questioning why the FBI did not take action on the information at the time.

Republican lawmakers have requested documents and testimony from the FBI regarding their handling of the informant and are vowing to get to the bottom of the matter. They argue that the FBI may have been biased in its decision not to investigate the allegations against the Bidens.

The investigation is expected to be a major point of contention between Republicans and Democrats in the coming weeks as both sides seek to shape the narrative surrounding the Bidens and potential corruption.

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